The Gospel According To A King James Bible
The following are questions I've asked myself down through the years and links are to my answers that can be found within the Theme Study.
In Answer to My Questions:
The Word of God
Do all bible versions teach same doctrine? Link A; Link B; Link C; Link D; Link E; Link F;
Why does the bible seem to contradict itself at times? Link A; Link B Link G; Link H;
Old Testament
Why was Abel’s sacrifice accepted and Cain’s sacrifice rejected?
What’s the difference between being just or being righteous under the OT?
When did Abraham get ‘saved’... Genesis 12 or Genesis 15? Link A; Chart
Was Abraham a ‘saved’ saint before Genesis 12? Link A; Link B
What was the Covenant of Circumcision? Link A; Link B; Link C; Link D
Why was Job continually offering burnt offerings for his sons?
Who was the mixed multitude that accompanied Israel in the Exodus?
Who was and who wasn’t the recipients of the Mosaic Covenant?
What purposes did the Law of Moses serve? Link A; Link B; Chart A; Chart B
How did someone get saved (become just or righteous) before the law? Chart
How did someone get saved (become just or righteous) under law? Link A; Link B; Chart
What determined one's judgement or final destiny under the OT?
What happened to the OT saint who transgressed under law? Chart
Could Gentiles living during the law be justified without the law?
What could/or couldn’t the shedding of blood accomplish under the Old Testament?
Did those living prior to the cross look to the cross for salvation? Link A; Link B; Chart
What were the divers’ washings under the OT? Chart A Chart B
Who was the first person in the bible to baptize with water? Link A
How many different baptisms are there in the bible? Link A; Link B; Chart
What was the baptism unto Moses? Link A; Link B; Link C; Chart
What is the baptism into Christ? Link A; Link B; Link C; Chart
Must a Jew needed to be baptized with water under the kingdom gospel?
How many different baptismal formulas are there in the New Testament? Link A;
What’s the difference between the commissions in Mark 16 & Matthew 28? Link A; Link B
Why didn't the gift of the Holy Ghost accompany Philip's baptism? Link A
Did John the Baptist immerse Jesus in Jordan at his baptism w/water? Link A; Chart
Why do Catholics, Lutherans & Methodist use sprinkle mode of baptism?
Why do Baptist & Church of Christ use immersion mode of baptism? Link A; Link B; Link C
Why do the Church of Christ and Baptist argue over baptism with water? Link A; Link B
Why did Paul baptize with water even though not being sent to?
Which of the 3 mentions of baptism in Romans 6:3-4 is baptism w/water? Link A; Chart
Which one of the baptisms is the one baptism in Ephesians 4:5? Link A; Link B
4 Gospels' Timeline
Did John the Baptist preach the gospel of Jesus Christ? Link A; Link B; Link C; Link D
What was Jesus’ and His disciple’s gospel during Jesus’ earthly ministry? Link A; Link B
During His earthly ministry what did the Jew have to believe about Jesus to be saved?
Who are the many to sit down with Abraham in the kingdom of heaven?
Why didn’t Jesus' disciples understand His comments surrounding the cross? Link A;
Did John and Peter know that Jesus would be resurrected from the dead? Link A;
What was the finished work Jesus accomplished in John 17? Link A
Act’s Period Timeline
What was the Apostle’s gospel after the resurrection of Christ? Link A; Link B
Why was Peter caught off-guard when asked to visit Cornelius? Link A; Link B; Link C
Why was Timothy circumcised and Titus not? Link A; Link B; Link C
Why were the Jewish Christians keeping the law during the Acts period?
Pauline Tidbits
What wouldn’t the princes of this world have done if understood?
Was Paul a minister of the New Testament or the New Covenant? Link A; Link B
What was/is the faith that should afterwards appear? Link A;
Why did Paul leave out the pronoun ‘his’ in Habakkuk 2:4? Link A;
What’s the difference between Noah finding grace & Gentles saved by grace? Link A;
Is the church to be serving under the 'Great Commission' today? Link A; Link B
What is the church's 'Great Commission' for today? Link A; Link B
When did the church, the body of Christ, begin? Link A; Link B; Link C
Who are the Gentiles which were of 'the faith of Abraham'? Link A; Link B; Link C
Who are the heathen Scripture foresaw being justified through faith? Link A;
Who are the Gentiles addressed in Paul's epistle to the Ephesians? Link A; Link B; Link C;
What and where is the Statement of Faith for the church today? Link D
What and where are the ordained good works for us to walk in today?
What exactly is the mystery of 1 Corinthians 15:51-53? Link A; Link B
Romans (Doctrinal)
What is justification by faith? Link A; Link B; Link C; Chart
What are the two inseparable components of justification by faith?
What is justification through faith? Link A; Link B; Link C; Link D; Chart
Can it be said that one is justified by faith today? Link A; Link B; Link C; Chart
Is it true that none fears or seeketh after God (Rom 3:10-17)?
What was the gospel preached unto Abraham? Link A; Link B; Link C
How does someone obtain the righteousness of God today? Link A;
Who are the Gentiles which were of 'the faith of Abraham'? Link A; Link B; Link C
What was the righteousness of God under the law? Link A; Link B; Chart
What is the righteousness of God today? Link A; Link B; Chart
Has the law ever played a role in one’s justification? Link A; Link B; Link C; Link D
Have works ever played a role in one’s justification? Link A;